Children around the world have been helped by Uche Foundation There are many different causes of hair loss, including chemotherapy and radiation treatments, Alopecia, Trichotillomania, burns and other medical reasons. Our non profit help kids see themselves in the mirror as the child they were before the hair loss. People that offer a hair donation for kids allow these children to receive top of the line custom wigs made from real hair. Hearing the difference these wigs for children have made in these kids’ lives is inspiring. Read on for some of their stories.
A little girl who was born in Egypt, and as a 2 year old , survived a car-bombing that killed her father and brother. Little Ceelica ’s face, head and hands were scorched by the explosion. The cartilage of her ears was burned off, and second-degree burns on her scalp ensured that much of her hair would never grow again. Because of a print article that received international acclaim, her case came to the attention of her future adoptive mom in the United States.
Unfortunately some people can be very cruel – they would stare and point. As she got older, kids shunned her and told her she looked scary. People asked her family, “Can’t you do something about her face?” She grew her remaining hair long, but it wasn’t enough to hide the large patches of bald, burned skin. By age 4, it was nearing time for Teeba to start school, and her parents worried that other children would make fun of her.
Through an almost unbelievable set of circumstances, Ceelica was treated by a burn specialist at a Hospital in the United States. Her face and scalp are blotched by thick, raised burn scars. A few wispy patches of dark hair remain on her otherwise bald head.
With the help of a revolutionary skin-grafting procedure, 8-year-old has endured 12 surgeries aimed at improving her appearance. Like most young ladies her age, she is becoming more aware of her looks. Future procedures will reconstruct the missing cartilage and tissue of her ears, even out her eyebrows, and smooth the remaining scar tissue on her face and hands.
“The thing she wants more than anything, that she cries about daily, is having hair,” her mother, says. Fortunately, that is what we do best at Uche FoundationCeeliaa's Story
Age 10
Bill is a bright, positive and energetic boy growing up in Texas. He is the kind of boy who, in the process of being diagnosed, told his doctor that when he grows up, he wants to join the army and put sprite in every water fountain.” Then, when he is done , he would like to work at chuck cheese.
Bill’s mom reflects on his illness and their experience with Uche Foundation
I remember how hurtful some of the snickers, stares, and comments would be as other children and adults would notice Bill had no hair. Not only did they hurt Bill, but they also hurt his sister’s, brother’s and his parents’ feelings. No one likes to see their child ridiculed, especially for something they have no control over. I remember searching online for wigs for children. We were so blessed to come across us and very impressed with everyone we spoke with. Bill was so excited when he learned he was picked” to receive a wig.
I remember the anticipation, as Bill would ask daily, “Did it come today, Mom?” Everyone seemed to be anxiously awaiting his new wig. I also remember the day we took him to have it cut and styled. Seeing Bill so excited brought instant tears of joy to the eyes of my husband and me. As Bill has grown, his self-esteem regarding his permanent hair loss has greatly improved. He will share with his friends about the disease he has and why he lost his hair.
He is an inspiration to all who know him and to those who also face challenges in their lives. Thank you so much for providing him with that extra “boost” of encouragement when he so desperately needed it. Now he actively provides encouragement to others. Your organization played an integral part in shaping our confident, 14 year old , BillBill’s Story
Age 14
Cause Alopecia
Nine-year-old Nikki has a smile that can brighten up a room in seconds. She’s a little shy and soft-spoken and hides a bit of mischief behind the twinkle in her eyes. Nikki also fought a disease whose treatment resulted in hair loss. It was one more obstacle to overcome for a child already fighting the good fight.
Nikki wanted hair—and not just any hair, but hair that would make her look herself again. Nikki’s mom, who never left her side at the hospital, noted, “Nikki has said to me that she can endure the pain of the disease and the treatment, but she cannot endure the pain of losing her hair.
Working with her family and her case-workers at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Uche Foundation created a hair system for Nikki that not only gave her back her look, but restored her identity and self-esteem. With that renewed confidence and hope, Nikki courageously underwent a bone marrow transplant, and today is cancer-free.Nikki’s Story
Age 9
Cause Cancer
Renee was six years old when her hair started to fall out. She then lost all of her eyelashes. By the time she was nine, she had no body hair at all. We decided to home school Renee to protect her. Before she received her hair piece, she never left home without a hat on. She was very self-conscious about being bald. It’s been very difficult for her as a little girl. Before the Alopecia, people would constantly compliment her on her thick, wavy hair and long, dark eyelashes. Renee has shed many tears over losing her hair, and it’s been very difficult dealing with questions and stares.
We were so excited when we found out about U.F. Renee could not wait to get her hair piece. Mom and Dad both cried when we saw her with her new hair. Renee is much more confident now that she has hair! We are so thankful for Uche FoundationRenee’s Story
Age 10
Cause Alopecia
Lexie is a beautiful young lady who has dealt with Alopecia since she was three years old, but in the past six months, has become 95% bald. At a time of life when other girls are concerned about how to “fine-tune” their appearance, Lexie is worried about just having hair.
“I have been losing hair off and on for fourteen years,” says Lexie. “About six months ago, I lost all of it, even body hair. I went in and out of doctors for many years and tried just about every treatment including IV therapy and about 150 shots twice a week on my head for many, many months. We found out about Uche Foundation , and luckily through someone’s generosity, I was able to receive a wig. I love it!”
She adds, “I’m just grateful that I can get a real hair wig so that I can curl it for special occasions like Junior Prom.” Lexie’s whole attitude is a little reminder to each of us that the simple things in life can be so important.
Lexie’s Story
Age 10
Cause Alopecia
Look at this darling face. It's not hard to imagine my daughter writing, "I'm so happy!" with UCHE FOUNDATION
From Kelly"s home in California, she tells us that she loves to "feel her hair on my shoulders." After suffering through five years without her hair due to alopecia areata (an auto-immune condition),her new Locks of Love hairpiece restored her eight-year-old delight in brushing her hair. she added, "I'm happy too because I don't have to wear a hat anymore."
"I am so proud of my new look-I have not stopped smiling." UF hairpiece transformed Kelly's life and the lives of her family. She help put smiles on 100 children's faces this year with your generous hair donations.
"Ever since I was young, I was a swimmer, which called for short hair. However, after my swimming career ended, it was 'hello' to long, flowing locks. That's how it has remained for the past four years.
UCHE FOUNDATION saw my story on a social media gave me an opportunity to help someone fit in with their peers. So after careful thought and consideration, I watched as my long-cherished hair was whacked from my head. Surprisingly, the regret I expected never surfaced. Instead, I was filled with warmth at the thought of helping those kids -- even if only in a small portion of their lives.
I write to donate my hair in high hopes of what it may accomplish."
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